Gulab Jamun (गुलाब जामुन) Recipe with Khoya (खोया)

Gulab Jamun (गुलाब जामुन) is a traditional Indian dessert and probably needs no introduction if you are from India. It has been and will remain the most favored item on the Indian dessert menu. I love Gulab Jamuns, I can’t say no to them. If there is only one Gulab Jamun left in the fridge, my daughter and I fight over who is going to eat it.
I made Gulab Jamun after a long time. Abhishek and Nishta, they are my good neighbors; came over for dinner and I know they like to eat Gulab Jamun very much. When Abishek had the first bite, his first words were p-e-r-f-e-c-t. Thanks


1 cup khoya (homemade or store bought)
 2 tbsp /All Purpose Flour
A pinch baking soda
1  tbsp milk
1 tsp ghee
Oil for frying

How to make Khoya (खोया)

Boil 4 cups of milk in medium flame in a non stick pan
For first few minutes boil it in high but keep stirring continuously.
When the milk starts to boil reduces the flame to medium and stir continuously.
Stir continuously so that the milk will not get burnt at the bottom of the pan

You will get 1 cup of Khoya.

For the sugar syrup 

1 1/2 cup sugar
2 cups water
1/4 tsp Cardamom powder or 2-3 cardamoms crushed.
1tbsp rose essence ( optional)
Few saffron stands 


It is important that Sugar syrup is ready before the Gulab Jamun’s are completely fried.
In a wide vessel, mix together water, sugar and cardamom powder, saffron. Dissolve the sugar over low heat. Once the sugar dissolves, turn the heat to medium and let it boil. When the syrup becomes slightly sticky, switch off the flame. Do not boil too much. The Sugar syrup needs to be perfect. It should be of 1 one string consistency.Now add rose water .

Sieve the maida and baking soda.
Bring the khoya to room temperature if it’s frozen. Grate and then measure it.

Take khoya, maida,ghee  and cooking soda in a mixing bowl. Mix well.

Now, add a small amount of milk and start kneading to make soft dough. Do not add to much milk.  Let the dough sit for 5 minutes.

You do not have to knead the dough as you do for chapati. The dough should be smooth, that's all. Now divide the dough into equal parts and make smooth balls without any cracks.(As shown as picture)

Gulab Jamun’s are ready for frying.

Keep the oil for frying on medium flame for heating. When the oil is hot, reduce the temperature to low and fry the gulab jamuns

Keep stirring it gently for even browning. When the heat is high, the gulab jamuns will turn brown immediately and the inside will remain uncooked.This is the reason for frying gulab jamuns on very low flame.

Fry only few at a time. Do not dump many jamuns in oil

When  jamuns turns light golden  brown remove the jamuns from the oil with a slotted ladle and drop it into the sugar syrup. 

Sugar syrup should be warm while you are adding Gulab Jamun in it. Warm means something more than room temperature.

Let all the Gulab jamuns soak in the sugar syrup for 2-3 hours. Serve warm.
So let’s enjoy the soft mouthwatering gulab jamun.

It is usually equal cups of sugar and water for the sugar syrup but since I love more syrup, I added 1/2 cup more water.


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